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A Letter to Humphrey

Photography Credit: Gianna Keiko Photography

Dear Dad,

Thank you. Thank you for being my hero all these years. At 23 you became a father to twins and I still don't know how you and mom did it. At 23, for me, well let's just leave that there lol. All jokes aside you are my first mentor and coach. You gave me culture and perspective as you sent us to Barbados every summer without our consent. 

From you always speaking to me in truth, to you yelling in the audience at various performances… I quote "I can't hear you" I would say “I'm performing with 30 other people, Dad” and you would say "Doesn't matter I still can't hear you”, to you calling the night before a big test and saying "Failure is not an option”, to you calling every night just to say "How was your day? Have a good night, and I love you”. I watched you break all the gender rules; you cooked, cleaned, treated women with respect and were loving, caring, and attentive with your children. 

I know that part of you still desires to give me more in regards to physical things, but I want you to know that you, as you are, the way God made you, is enough for me. Your steady presence, commitment, and dedication made it an easy transition for me to accept my Heavenly Father. I can write a letter like this because of joy and gratitude, and not out of pain.

Thank you Dad! I love you! Through heartache, pain, set-back, disappointment, frustration and disparity in your own life I can say to you "Well done." The best is yet to come. You're a great father! And to top it off, when we're together, people think we are brothers. 

Your Son, 
